Good Neighbours Active Living Centre


Good Neighbours Active Living Centre

XXXUkrainian Fundraising Luncheon
March 21, 2024 | 11:30 a.m -
Good Neighbours Active Living Centre
720 Henderson Hwy.
Winnipeg, MB
R2K 0Z5

Ukrainian Fundraising Luncheon

Thursday March 21st @ 11:30am

Come down to Good Neighbours to help raise funds for the Centre and enjoy an amazing Ukrainian meal with your friends!

Pierogis, Kielbasa, Cabbage Rolls, Coleslaw, Coffee, Tea and Dessert will be served!

Door Prizes, 50/50 and Entertainment TBD.

Members: $15 Non-Members: $18

We will also be accepting donations of Household Goods on that day only for
Ukrainian Newcomers... check your e-mail for details! 

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