Good Neighbours Active Living Centre


Good Neighbours Active Living Centre

XXXCoffee House Variety Show
November 3, 2023 | 11: 00 a.m. -
Good Neighbours Active Living Centre
720 Henderson Hwy.
Winnipeg, MB

Good Neighbours has Talent!
Coffee House Variety Show

Friday, November 3rd @ 11:00am  

Good Neighbours has Talent... and this event will showcase all the many gifts our members have to share! Speakers, singers and the musically gifted will entertain you with their abilities in an Open Mic setting.

Coffee, tea, savoury baked goods and desserts will be served. 

50/50 draw and door prizes to be won!

Registration required! 

  • Members $15
  • Non-Members $20

***Deadline to purchase... October 31st!!!

If you or someone you know is interested in performing please contact Jennifer Gosselin or Lisa Beresowski

We ask that performances be kept at 3-5 minutes 






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