Good Neighbours Active Living Centre


Good Neighbours Active Living Centre

RWB: Giselle
November 8, 2024 | 11:00 a.m. -
Winnipeg, MB

Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet presents: GISELLE at the Centennial Concert Hall

Friday, November 8th

Bus leaves GN at 11:00am
Bus returns to GN at 2:45pm

Members: $50
Non-Members: $60

Widely considered the pinnacle of Romantic ballets, this hauntingly beautiful tale of love, betrayal, and sacrifice has enchanted audiences for centuries. Giselle will take you on a journey through madness and folklore to a spectral world where love conquers all. Ethereal pointe work, elegant tutus, and complex character acting by our artists make this a must-see event!

Virtuous young villager Giselle is seduced by the Duke Albrecht, disguised as a peasant himself, unaware that he is already betrothed. Jealousy leads to the uncovering of Albrecht’s true identity and the revelations drive Giselle to despair and ultimately to her death. Her ghost joins the other vengeful spirits of betrayed women who haunt the forest and lure men to dance to their deaths.



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